Local partnership strengthening Indigenous communities in Northern British Columbia

Lhai Ventures LP (Lhai pronounced Cly) is a joint venture partnership formed by four Indigenous communities including the Lheidli T’enneh, Saik’uz, Stellat’en, and Nadleh Whut’en First Nations. Over the past three years, EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. (EDI) has partnered with Lhai to provide members with training in technical environmental services. EDI is a strategic partner with Lhai, which was formed to pursue economic opportunities related to the Coastal GasLink (CGL) project.

EDI is focusing its efforts on training, mentoring, and employment opportunities for youth from the communities. In 2022, Lhai community members worked nearly 8,000 hours on the CGL project and 20 community members were trained to provide various environmental services. This led to significant monetary and non-monetary benefits to the communities and the local economy.

“I feel like I am doing something good for mother nature. It is a small part, but I am doing my part and trying to learn a lot more… I got to see how the natural gas pipeline is going in the ground and the steps needed to make it safe for our future generations.” Jerry George, Field Crew Second, Lhai and Saik’uz Nation member
“This employment opportunity exposed me to environmental consulting, and I would like to pursue a professional degree as a fisheries biologist.” Jordan Buzas, Field Crew Second, Lhai and Lheidli T’enneh First Nation member.

“We continue to strive to create sustainable projects, employment opportunities, and prosperity for the Indigenous communities we work with. We also aim to provide real opportunities for youth in the communities, which we can achieve through partnerships like this one.” Bob Redden, at EDI.

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