MacKay Logging Aggregate Products – Non-farm Activities in the Agricultural Land Reserve

MacKay Logging Ltd. obtained a soil removal permit from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to support the extraction of aggregate products. A condition of the ALC permit was the completion of a pre-site assessment by a Professional Agrologist with a background in soil science and experience in resource extraction and land reclamation. The assessment and associated reporting were completed by three Professional Agrologists from EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.

The pre-site assessment completed by EDI summarized characteristics of the topography, drainage, and soils in the project area, provided a pre-development site assessment, and identified recommendations for soil conservation and reclamation planning. The soil conservation plan generated for the project provided recommendations for topsoil stripping depths, stockpiling and storage, and erosion and sediment control. The reclamation plan described reclamation land use objectives and included recommendations for soil handling and revegetation.