You have a project with a specific set of needs and expectations; we have a practical approach for meeting them. How? — by listening and understanding your needs and expectations and using our extensive expertise in terrestrial science to develop a realistic program, and then implement it effectively to satisfy the most stringent regulations. Whether it’s baseline inventories, impact assessments, mitigation and monitoring planning, or environmental management, we’re focused on what matters.
A selection of our terrestrial expertise includes:
- Wildlife and wildlife habitat impact assessments (suitability and functional analysis)
- Species-specific surveys for waterfowl and waterbirds, raptors and owls, breeding birds and small mammals
- Vegetation assessments and ecological land classification
- Wildlife distribution and population inventories using DNA capture/recapture methods, aerial surveys, call-back surveys, point counts and banding
- Wildlife management, monitoring, planning and implementation
- Active nest surveys and monitoring programs