Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. (Coastal GasLink) has completed construction of its 670 km pipeline that stretches from near the community of Groundbirch, BC, to the LNG export facility in Kitimat, BC. With the construction phase complete, the project is in the operation, clean-up and reclamation phases.
The pipeline project is located on the unceded traditional territories of 20 First Nations, including the Nations of Stellat’en, Nadleh Whut’en, Saik’uz, and Lheidli T’enneh. These four Nations collectively formed Lhai Ventures Limited Partnership, with “Lhai” pronounced K-lie and meaning ‘many’ in the Carrier language. Lhai Ventures partnered with Stantec to deliver environmental services for Sections 3 and 4 of the pipeline, which cross their traditional territories. EDI is proud to have supported Lhai as a partner and subcontractor, bringing our expertise in field management, project management, environmental services and construction support. Tasks EDI was involved with included fish salvage and water quality monitoring, bird nest sweeps, amphibian salvage and wildlife surveys.
EDI was responsible for providing technical leadership and member training, employment, retention and mentoring, administration, and financial services, with our involvement focused on capacity building. We worked with all four Nations of Lhai Ventures to provide support and assistance in this regard. Together we consider our achievements to be the following:
- Indigenous team members contributed nearly 26,000 hours of work during May 2021 to September 2024.
- A total of 41 Indigenous community members participated in the project.
- Two shifts were led by Indigenous team members.
- More than 50 individuals received training in environmental monitoring and related fields.
- An Indigenous-owned business served as a subcontractor
- Ten youth members worked with us, and a few are now considering careers in environmental sciences.
Overall, the Lhai-EDI team worked together to offer training, deliver immediate employment, and support career opportunities. EDI is proud of the work our team members undertook and look forward to the collaborative road ahead.