Positive Consequences of Adaptation

It’s difficult to imagine anything positive coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The experience has been challenging for many on a local, regional, national, and global scale, and we extend our condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

At EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc., we work hard to respect the tough moments, and celebrate the good ones. Chief Operating Officer, Cathy Mackay, and Health and Safety Director, Dennis Thideman, have identified some positive corporate consequences of having to adapt to the pandemic.

We all live in a much more virtually connected environment now,” explains Cathy. “EDI was lucky because we already had IT systems in place to internally connect our own team members who work remotely. It was relatively easy to adapt this to include others who are external to EDI, such as members of the communities where we work, clients, and regulators. Now we have the best of both worlds because EDI has offices and team members located in remote or rural areas, like Smithers, but we can also video-conference with clients who live in larger urban areas.

Dennis noted that, “because of the pandemic, we’ve had to improve some of our health and safety protocols, decision making processes, and business forecasting. We’ve had to try to stay agile and adapt to frequent health and safety requirement changes in the various regions where EDI operates. The result of these adaptations has been improved communication and understanding within our team and with our clients.

As a company that cares about our people, their families and loved ones, we fully support any of our team members receiving the COVID vaccination. As such, we’ve provided paid leave (up to three hours) so that any of our team members may step away from work to get the vaccine.

To read more about the systems and protocols EDI has in place for maintaining business stability and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, please click on the following articles:

Cathy Mackay – Chief Operating Officer

Dennis Thideman – Director of Health and Safety

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