On January 6, 2025, we unexpectedly lost a member of our EDI family, Daryl Johannesen, or DJ as many knew him. Daryl was a remarkable biologist with nearly 40 years of experience, spanning from Newfoundland to British Columbia and into the Territories. Daryl began his consulting career as the senior ecologist and office manager for Environmental Management Associates (EMA) in 1986 in Regina, and later became one of the key individuals who helped successfully build the bio-environment team at Golder Associates Ltd., initially in the Saskatoon and then Calgary offices over a 25-year period. Daryl joined EDI in 2018 in our Calgary office and then transferred to our Saskatoon office and worked from his home in North Battleford, SK, where he continued to contribute to the team. His professional experience focused on regulatory strategy, permitting, licensing and hearings for renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal), oil and gas (seismic, drilling and pipelines) and energy (hydroelectric and transmission lines) developments.
In his role as a senior consultant, Daryl provided advice and guidance on project strategy and environmental effects assessment, served as senior reviewer of countless reports, and mentored fellow colleagues. His project experience spanned ecological landscapes from prairie grasslands to the boreal forest and into the Arctic tundra. Several of the projects Daryl directed, or provided senior advice on, were screened under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act including Joint Review Panels. Daryl was involved with the public consultation and hearing process for several large-scale projects proposed in environmentally sensitive areas and provided advice to government agencies (e.g., Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, and Government of the Northwest Territories). He was also involved in several Traditional Knowledge studies with Indigenous groups, related to oil and gas, pipeline, windfarm and hydroelectric development projects.
Our team members at EDI had the privilege of learning so much from Daryl. His strategic thinking, critical insight, exceptional writing, attention to detail, and deep knowledge of biology were invaluable. Daryl cared profoundly about his work and the people he worked with. He had a passion for all things biology and a demand for excellence. He leaves an enduring legacy. We will miss him greatly.